ISLAMABAD: The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) has directed DISCOs and K-Electric to scrutinize their record and correct the wrongly charged MDI in the historical data/master file to avoid excessive charging of fixed charged on MDI basis, sources told Newzshewz.
According to NEPRA, it was receiving complaints about imposition of fixed charges on account of Maximum Demand Indicator (MDI) and informed DISCOs that the definition of billing demand as per the tariff determination of the Authority in the official gazette is as follows:-
“Billing Demand” means the 25% of the sanctioned load or actual maximum demand recorded in a month, whichever is higher, except in the case of agriculture tariff D2 where “billing demand” shall mean the sanctioned load. Provided that for the purpose of fixed charges sanctioned load means maximum demand recorded during preceding 60 months. Provided further that in case of new connections or consumers who have renewed/revised their sanctioned load, the fixed charges will be charged on 25% of the sanctioned load or actual maximum demand recorded in a month, whichever is higher.
However, upon establishment of MDI in next six months, the adjustment of fixed charges will be made accordingly by the DISCO. “Provided also that consumers having alternate/dual source i.e. captive power, net metering, etc. the existing mechanism of fixed charges shall remain the same i.e. the 25% of the sanctioned load or actual maximum demand whichever is higher.
The Regulator further stated that instances have been noted that in any month in the past 60 months, if a consumer was charged wrong MDI and the same was corrected in past to the extent of withdrawal of fixed charges amount but the wrongly charged MDI was not corrected/revised in the historical data/master file, therefore, such consumers are being charged fixed charges on the basis of wrong MDI due to above definition billing demand as the computer software automatically fetches MDI of previous 60 months.
Foregoing in view, all the DISCOs have been directed to scrutinize the record and correct the wrongly charged MDI in the historical data/master file to avoid excessive charging of fixed charged on MDI basis.