ISLAMABAD : The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) has imposed a penalty of Rs 10 million on National Transmission and Despatch Company (NTDC) for being responsible of two fatal incidents.
Fatal incident of Zain ul Abedeen (electrician) occurred on October 24, 2022, while performing routine work at 500 kV Dadu Grid Station. Subsequently, another fatal accident occurred on March 15, 2023, during the rehabilitation work (i.e. re-jumpering of blue phase) of tower No. 252 at 500 kV Guddu-Shikarpur Circuit-I resulting in the fatality of Khair Bux, LM-II. In this regard, NEPRA, in emails of April 17, 2023, May 03, 2023 and May 22, 2023 directed NTDC to constitute an Inquiry Committee to inquire into the matter and submit a detailed report to NEPRA. In response, NTDC in its letter of June 01, 2023 only submitted the Preliminary Inquiry Reports after lapse of eight months of the incident.
The NTDC was directed to address the findings by the Inquiry Committee (IC) in investigation conducted in this matter. In contrast to the said, NTDC has chosen to only address the Show Cause Notice (SCN) Paras only Furthermore, one of the prime reason behind initiating investigation against NTDC was that NTDC reported these events at a very belated stage as NTDC submitted the copies of its Preliminary Inquiry Reports after lapse of eight months of the incidents. Moreover, NTDC failed to submit the copies of Final Inquiry Report to the Authority before initiation of the investigation.
NTDC in both of its preliminary as well as final inquiry report failed to submit or highlight these facts i.e. the manner and cause of the death of its deceased employee in the incident mentioned in the SCN. Once again, poor supervision, lack of PPEs & T&Ps and adherence to safety protocols have led to this incident. It’s a fact that this was not the employee fault, however, the onus of the responsibility squarely falls upon the shoulders of NTDC field formations i.e. LS, Foreman and its team, permit issuer, permit receiver, who failed miserably in adherence to safety protocols and use of PPEs and T&Ps during this important task being executed. Not only this, but even the involvement of NTDC workers in a task which was purely related to the contractor raises a serious question mark over the then management i.e. GM/CE of NTDC, during which this incident was reported. The use of voltage detector for the induction voltage while working on double circuit transmission lines is a very common practice throughout the world and power transmission network. When one circuit is de-energized for maintenance while the adjacent circuit remains live, electromagnetic induction can cause significant voltages on the inactive line. This poses safety risks to maintenance personnel. Therefore, employing voltage detectors is essential to ensure the de-energized line is safe to work on.
In the reply submitted by NTDC, it has continuously reiterated its version that all operational tasks are carried out in adherence to due procedures and safety protocols, which is again contradictory to the factual position as unearthed by the IC in the instant matter. As per 7.19 Risk Assessment / Job Safety Analysis of NEPRA power safety code 2021, NTDC was obligated to provide job plan either by itself or through contractor and carry out all of the relevant steps mentioned in 7.91 section above. Moreover, the statement that Ali Asghar (Foreman) and his team was constrained by the contractor M/s Sunir Iran Power Company to assist the job during execution reveals utter failure of the higher management of NTDC posted in Lahore and Hyderabad region. This statement raises a serious question over the efficiency of NTDC management and reveals the say/influence of contractors over daily affairs of NTDC. This not only portrays poor image and lackluster non serious attitude of senior leadership but also implies that NTDC is run by contractors and senior management has no say in the affairs where contractors are involved. The submissions of NTDC w.r.t hiring of crane on rent is plausible and accepted only.
Keeping in view the ground realities and the relevant provisions of the NEPRA Act, Grid Code, Safety Code, NTDC Licence & other applicable documents, submissions of the Licencee and available record, the Authority has observed that the Licensee has constituted violation of Section 18(1) of the NEPRA Act. Additionally, it has also been proven that the Licensee has failed to indoctrinate the safety measures within its organization.
The Authority has also noted that the Licensee has not given full compensation to the bereaved family of deceased victims and failure of NTDC to pay the applicable compensation to the families of the victims is inhumane, unjustified and bears no legal grounds. Therefore, the Authority hereby directs Licensee to give full compensation to the bereaved families as per the applicable Law. Further, the Licensee shall submit documentary evidence of its compliance in this regard to the satisfaction of the Authority within a period of one month.
The Authority had observed that the deaths of Zain U1 Abedeen (electrician) occurred on October 24,2022, while performing routine work at 500 kV Dadu Grid Station and Khair Bux, LM-II occurred on March 15,2023, during the rehabilitation work (i.e. re-jumpering of blue phase) of tower No. 252 at 500 kV Guddu Shikarpur Circuit occurred due to violation of NEPRA Power Safety Code, Grid Code, NEPRA Act, Rules & Regulations made thereunder (inter alia) as well as supervisory lapses, in-adequate trainings and staff in South region, lack of safety measures and sheer negligence of the Licencee in following the safety measures/SOPs. Therefore, the Authority decided to impose a fine of Rs 10 million on the Licencee.