ISLAMABAD: K-Electric (KE) has sought provisional negative adjustment of Rs 4.84 per unit in Fuel Charges Adjustment (FCA) for January 2025 to pass on financial impact of 4.695 billion to its consumers but like previous two months, it has also requested adjustment of pending Rs 13.5 billion .
The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) is scheduled to hold a public hearing on March 20, 2025 on the FCA adjustment request of K-Electric.
KE, in its documents submitted to NEPRA has also submitted that pursuant to determination of Generation Tariff of Power plants of KE for the period post June 2023, KE has submitted the required partial load, open cycle and degradation curves along with startup cost for approval and an amount of Rs.13.5 billion for the period July 2023 to January 2025 is accordingly pending for adjustment out of which Authority has set aside Rs.5.4 billion in KE’s FCA decision for November 2024.
KE has requested the Authority to also consider adjustment of accumulated actualization of fuel cost so that the recovery can be made from the negative fuel cost variation of December 2024 and January 025 to ensure consumers are not burdened at later stage.
For deliberation during the hearing, following issues have been framed ;(i) whether the requested FCA is justified? ;(ii) whether KE has followed the merit order while giving dispatch to its power plants as well as power purchases from external sources? ; and (iii) whether the request of KE to consider adjustment of accumulated actualization of fuel cost on account of partial load, open cycle and degradation curves along with startup cost from July to Jan. 2025, from the negative fuel cost variation is justified? .
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